Thursday, December 6, 2012

Something Serious

I've decided that I seriously need to throw myself into writing again.  Reading is good.  Playing video games is great stress relief.  Work is essential.  But writing is something that I tend to have a bad habit of doing and then letting slide for several months at a time.  I can't continue to do that.  The more that I do that, the less likely that I will ever be to actually do what I want to do one day which is to be published.

And I know that's the goal of a lot of people who call themselves writes, but this is something I have wanted for years.  It's something I've wanted for as long as I have been writing which has been probably over ten years now.  No, definitely over ten years now.  It's weird to think that I've been writing that long and yet not that long at all.  Writing has become something so essential to me.  It's as much a part of me as breathing or eating.

But I'm really good at neglecting the things that I need in my life.

I guess that's the real reason why I slack, I have a bad habit of not caring about myself.  Because of that, I neglect the things that matter to me and inc this case, that would very sadly include my writing.  So my goal is to use this blog to force myself to write.  That and my lovely friend Emily.  She's amazing like that and since she does have access to me I know that she can bother me into writing and I can do it to her in return.  It's a great system and honestly I think it's something we both need.

Besides, why should I give up something I love so much, something that keeps me sane, just because I don't think I should be cared about.  And maybe I'll get into the habit of writing in this blog daily or weekly or something like that.  It might help to serve as motivation and I think that'll help me out a lot.

Apparently, Texas is very good for me because I have now been in this state for over a year and the first time I won NaNoWriMo was, you guessed it, right here in Texas.  It's as if the state has this miraculous hold on me.  And to make it that much more amazing, both times, I also managed to finish the novel in the very same month.  The first had a working title of London in the Spring, a coming-of-age historical adventure which will probably be edited again several more times.  This latest one, however, is i my pride and joy.  This year I wrote a novel that I call The Faithful, the first book in a series called the Prophecy of the Goddess.  I reverted back to my beloved fantasy genre but added a more dystopic twist to everything.

Thus you have a monster of a novel (over one hundred thousand words in total).  A monster that I am more than a little proud of.  I worked very hard on it.  And now I face the daunting task of both editing it and writing the first sequel.  I'm both excited and terrified at the prospect, but it also fills me with joy.  I guess that's how I know that I'm doing the right thing.  Nothing could make me happier than to do these things.

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