Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shame on Me

So I'm supposed to be writing daily.  Not necessarily blogging daily, but at least writing and I haven't really been doing that.  That makes me a very terrible person.  I know that I need to remedy this, I just keep being lazy and not.  Instead I have been doing other things.  Like I have discovered this site called duolingo.  It's pretty awesome.  Basically you learn a language (right now it has the options for Spanish, French, and German with a Portuguese beta for us English speakers.  And while you learn you also work on translating web pages.  I have come to discover that the only part about it that really frustrates me is  when you have to use the computer's mic to record you saying something in the language.  For some reason it hates me and enjoys making me repeat the sentences over and over and over again before it will admit that I have them right.

It's a very distracting pastime, but it's one that I am coming to enjoy far too much.  So, that leaves me with the other things that I have been allowing to distract me.  I've gotten back into roleplaying.  It's like a drug, a terribly addicting drug.  It is also bad for my writing. I tend to not want to write when I roleplay.  And I know better.  I really do, but I can't seem to help it.  I love the company and I love the story lines that you can create.  So it won't be something that I plan to give up.  I guess that the key is for me to figure out how to balance the two.  I know it is possible.  I just have to be smarter than my desires.

Oh God that sounds like a terrible line.

Oh, I have also picked crocheting back up.  But that is a very good thing.  If I keep at it that means I can start up a side business and make myself some money and I want that.  I very much want to do that.  I just have been putting it off because I am very terribly lazy.  It's not good for me.  I know that, but it would be good if I did it.  And if I could write poetry I could sell that, but I think I need more practice with it.  I'm not very good at writing poetry in my opinion.  If I could get better and improve my penmanship than I would be in excellent condition.  I guess it's all about that perseverence thing.

At least I have my friend at work though.  Miss Emily has been very kind to me taking up on an offer and has started editing my NaNo novel for me.  I plan to edit it as well.  I'm just putting that off.  I have a very bad habit of doing that.  I don't like editing after all.  I'll have to though.  Especially since I have already started the sequel.  That part is going slow.  I think part of that is because I haven't actually been writing daily.  If I did than there wouldn't be a problem.  At least I would hope that there wouldn't be one.

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