As another NaNoWriMo starts to draw to a close I find that I have a few days left. I might be able to get a last minute spurt in and get very close to the 50k, but I really have no guarantee of that. And I know a large part of that is the irregularity that I allow in my life. I don't read every day. I don't write every day. I think that is a determent. It's something that I want to get better at. Even if it is only a hundred words that I write and a page that I read, I think doing those kinds of things are important and should never be overlooked so that is my goal.
In the next year, I want to just set up a pattern for myself. To write. To read. To do those things that I love and have started to neglect in my life. I actually have a blog where I do write reviews of books that I have read. So I am hoping to revive Life of a Book Addict. I have a few books that I am reading so I do have a few that should hopefully soon be ready to go up on the blog. As for my writing, I have another old blog (not that this has ever been a pattern or trend in my life) that I am hoping to revitalize tonight before I write my first blog post. It is called The Wellspring. That one was created back in 2013 when I decided it was a good idea to try and write 1 million words in a year. Not a bad idea, but honestly, one that I did not succeed in well at all. This goal is far more conversative, and I'd like to think, more practical.
I just want to do this for myself. And if you'd like to follow me on the journey here and on those other blogs as well, it would be appreciate. Support is never a bad thing.