Friday, October 24, 2014

So Excited!

So I've been productive the last few days.  Not really, but a little.  I have another story published on kindle...

Wait, did I ever even mention I have one?

I do!  It's been up there since 2012 actually so about two years. Shame on me for not mentioning it before!  One of my early NaNoWriMo projects, and a story that I very much enjoyed writing, A Taste of Hope is not the story I wanted to mention.  As it happens, I finally decided to publish my novelette Soulless!  It is the first book in a series I call the S Series.

To add to that little victory, I have also (finally), put up an author page on Facebook that can be found here!

Now, I mentioned NaNoWriMo earlier, and I'm very pleased to say that it's almost upon us!  I'm so excited just as I find myself to be very year!  As it happens, I actually hope to be working on one of the novels in the S Series this coming November.  So please, wish me luck and to anyone else participating, I wish you well!